Ragtime parts menu

Ragtime parts menu
Most of these instruments are in inventory. We also build large Orchestrions and carousel organs for the amusement parks. We have people devoted to custom work just waiting to build one for you.
Welcome to Ragtime
Ragtime factory tour#1
Index and GRP photo with pipes in back
Ragtime factory tour#2
Ragtime factory tour#3
Ragtime factory tour#4
Piano to Player Conversion Kit
Drums, Glockenspiel
Glock, xylophone, pipes
Drums, tambourine, triangle, cymbal
Replacement stack, spoolframe, valve chest
Suction/pressure motors, pedals, misc.
Parts for Ragtime pianos
Accordion, reed holder, Nickeoldeon grading prices
Pipes, valves, misc. parts
Stained glass, casters, misc.
Coin op, voicing gauges, niples, misc.
Benches, grand piano action pegs, misc.
Band organ designations
Rustic nickelodeon prices
Upright piano cabinet grading guide page 1
Upright piano cabinet grading guide page 2
Upright piano cabinet grading guide page 3
Upright piano cabinet grading guide page 4
Trading policies
Grand action pegs, Glenn Kern

Last Update: 07/15/00
Web Author: Ken Caulkins