This is an excellent example of an American Gazebo sytle Band Stand. 2 pianos accompany the Steel Drums while 2 ranks of flute pipes, 2 accordions
and 47 rhythm instruments carry the beat.
The sound of the steel drums need no introduction. Virtually any music style may be played on live instruments! The return on your
investment will be priceless! Cost? around $110,000 set up with on site maintenance. Lease to own - 2 to 5 year contracts available. VHS video available
Click Here for a clip of "Killer Queen" 103 KB - mono
Click Here for a clip of "Copa Cabana" 204 KB - mono
Click Here for a clip of "Volcano" 505 KB - mono
Click Here for a clip of "I Dream of Genie" 455 KB - mono

Last Update: 8/16/11
Web Author: Ken Caulkins