Send $15 for a Catalog of all our products to Ragtime, 4218 Jessup Rd., Ceres, CA 95307 U.S.A.

Band Organ Vehicles - for parades, circus etc.
This is a good exaple of what you can do with our kits. This model T truck has 2 167 kits installed playing from one central spoolframe. It contains 86 pipes (43 on each side), 2 bass drums, 2 snare drums, 2 tambourines, 2
triangles, 2 castanets, two cymbals and 2 24 note glockenspiels.
Factory Phone (209) 667-5525
Monday-Friday 7am to 5pm Pacific Standard Time

Last Update: Dec. 24 2011
Web Author: Ken Caulkins