Send $15 for a Catalog of all our products to Ragtime, 4218 Jessup Rd., Ceres, CA 95307 U.S.A.
Click here for our Complete color Catalog in PDF format with current retail prices and specifications.

Kits for all our instruments
Feel free to try any of our units in kit form. The kits are premanufactured.
Only the band organs, calliopes and monkey organs work this way. The piano
kit prices vary according to style. See current catalog for prices.
Z kit would be same price as the kit you will put in the cabinet plus the cost of the pipes, xylophone etc. Refer to the components page
for parts prices. You will need to supply a good piano. You will find the link at the bottom of the table of contents.
If you want an unfinished Z cabinet kit contact us for a current price.
Factory Phone (209) 735-0767
Monday-Friday 7am to 5pm Pacific Standard Time

Last Update: Dec. 24 2011
Web Author: Ken Caulkins